Pictured are, right to left are Charles Casuscelli, Lucille McKenna (Mayor, Ashfield Council) Jodi McKay and at the back righthand side, Councillor Mark Drury (Ashfield Council)
Both major political parties have now made committed to invest in the redevelopment of amenities at Centenary Park, Croydon. The Government yesterday announced it would also match the undertaking given in February by Jodi McKay on behalf of the Opposition​.
The announcement by Premier Baird and Charles Casuscelli, matches the commitment given on 4 February by the ALP candidate for Strathfield, Jodi McKay.
The constructive approach by Jodi McKay and Charles Casuscelli has resulted in a win, not just for the Burwood Football Club, but also the other users of the park, which very importantly includes local schools.
CDSFA Chairman, Michael Bourdoulis has praised both Jodi McKay and Charles Casuscelli for adopting a bipartisan approach. “Jodi was the first to obtain a commitment from her party and now Charles has worked to also get the same level of commitment from his party. They have worked in collaboration, with the community benefitting.”
Support from the local community newspapers, including the Burwood Scene and the Inner West Courier in highlighting the challenges faced by the Burwood Football Club in operating out of the current facilities has been of immense value. Both media outlets have contributed in advancing the case for investment by governments, at all levels.
In particular, the existing facilities proved to be something of a stumbling block in growing and maximising the potential for female participating in the football. The current facilities were built at a time when female participation did not really exist.
Ashfield Municipal Council has had the redevelopment of facilities and the up grading of this sporting complex on its agenda for the last few years. Funding has proved a challenge, in terms of being able to do everything that the various sporting groups, including football are seeking.
The CDSFA has played a supporting role in advancing the cause of Burwood Football Club. CDSFA CEO Ian Holmes said
“We now need a matching grant from the Federal Government to ensure all that needs to be done, can be done for current and future generations of users of this important sporting precinct. The CDSFA will pursue its discussions with the Member for Reid, Craig Laundy in terms of investing in this regional infrastructure. We know need Craig Laundy to step up prosecute the case at a Federal Government level. The CDSFA acknowledges and thanks Jodi McKay and Charles Casuscelli for their approach to the issue of funding at a state level.”
The member clubs of the CDSFA are making a significant contribution to the social capital of the local community. They collectively provide advancement of health by promoting and facilitating participation in active sport. This is a front line activity in combating the increasing threat of lifestyle related disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Having space in the way of active sporting recreational facilities is the cornerstone to the delivery of community sport. With significant new apartment and housing projects like the Bays Precinct and redevelopment along Parramatta Road, there is a need for both new and renovated sporting facilities.
Yesterday's announcement has aligned both major parties in recognising this. It is a demonstration of how Jodi McKay and Charles Casuscelli worked in a very bipartisan way. The CDSFA looks forward to the same approach being taken at the federal level of government.