Football Canterbury have launched their first ever Summer Fives competition to be held during the off-season!
The competition is open to all members of the community, regardless of if you played winter football this season or not.
With multiple age groups catered for and four different locations, there is sure to be a competition that will suit you.
Even better – if you sign-up, you will earn $15 for the CDSFA club of your choice!
What is Summer Fives?
Summer Fives is a five-a-side football competition played on a smaller field with smaller goals, ensuring players get more touches of the ball and a lot more action.
The competition will be a minimum of nine or ten games with matches played on weeknights at a venue near you.
Summer Fives is one of the most popular versions of football, with players from juniors all the way to seniors enjoying it on a weekly basis around the world.
How to register
- Click this link
- Pick a club. If your club does not appear, or you do not play for a club – pick one based on which field you would like to play on (see list below)
- Follow the prompts and make payment
Dates, times, locations
The season starts on the week of Tuesday 11 October and will finish the week of Thursday 15 December with each team playing a minimum of nine or ten games (pending wet weather).
The field locations are below, along with the clubs who will be assigned to each field (pending council approval).
- Rudd Park: Belmore Eagles, Canterbury JFC, Enfield Rovers, Mr P FC, LFC Sports, Punchbowl United, Roselands FC, Viet Sports Club
- Strathfield Park: ACU FC, Burwood FC, FC Five Dock, Russell Lea, Strathfield FC
- Tempe Reserve: Cooks River Titans, Earlwood Wanderers, Hurlstone Park Wanderers, Sydney Rangers FC, Saint Barnabas FC
The different age groups will play on the following nights:
Thursday nights: U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U14, U16, Seniors, O35s
Tuesday nights: U18, Seniors
Wednesday nights: U14, U15, U16, O35, O45
Tuesday nights: U8, U9, U12, U13
Wednesday nights: U10, U11
Registration fees
Juniors (8-11): $130
Youth (12-17): $140
Seniors (18+): $170
Frequently Asked Questions
Will there be finals?
Yes, there will be finals. The exact format of your league will be confirmed once team numbers are known.
Are there any additional team registration costs?
No. The only cost is the individual registration fee. There is no team fee, or any additional fees. Everything is covered in the individual registration fee including referees, field hire, and FNSW insurance.
Do I have to be a member of a club to register?
No! Anyone can play Summer Fives with CDSFA, even if you’ve never played football before. During the registration process you will have to choose a “club” to play with, but you don’t have to have any previous connection with them.
What if my CDSFA club isn't listed an an option?
If your club is not listed as an option that's okay, you can still sign-up! Just choose a club that is connected to the field you want to play at (see field locations above).
Do I register as a team or an individual?
All players in a team must register individually. Once registered, contact your club who will organise for you to be in the same team as your friends.
Am I elegible for overage competitions?
To be eligible, you miust be turning the correct age sometime in that calendar year. For example, someone turning 35 on 31 December would be aligible for the O35 competition.
Can I start my own team?
Yes, of course. You can play with whoever you want. Organise a group of friends or teammates and register but you will still have to choose a club during the registration process.
Can we supply our own uniform?
Yes. We encourage clubs to supply teams with club uniform but all teams are welcome to wear whatever uniform they want – as long as all players on the team match. If you wish to wear your club uniform, please talk to your club to see if they will supply/sell uniforms to your team.
Do uniforms need to be numbered?
Uniforms must be numbered for senior teams. Numbers on jerseys are encouraged but not mandatory for junior teams: if junior teams do not have jersey numbers, they may write their number on their arm with a texta/marker.
What are the competition rules?
You can find them by clicking here.
What time/s are the games?
Junior games will start from 6pm with senior games starting from 7pm. All matches will be concluded by 10pm.
What happens if there is a washout?
If it looks like adverse weather will washout a match scheduled for a grass pitch, the game will be moved to a diffferent location on the same night. If this is not possible, we will try to reschedule the match for a future date.
What are the rules and disciplinary procedures?
Rules of Association, the Indiscipline Process, and Judiciary Appeals Regulations apply as per the CDSFA winter season. For the rules of play, please click here.
Can we borrow players?
Borrowing players from teams of the same club is allowed as per standard "playing-up" rules (see Rules of Association). You may not borrow players from teams registered to other clubs for competition games. If you wish, you may borrow players from other clubs but the game will be forfeited and will count only as a friendly.
Can I play for multiple teams?
No. The same Rules of Association as the CDSFA winter competiton remains in place.
Feature image credit: Photographed with Love