You may have heard the term “Game Leader” being mentioned in football circles recently but do you know exactly what they are?
A common misunderstanding is that Game Leader is simply a new term for MiniRoos referees but that is not the case. Game leaders are a part of small sided games while referees officiate eleven a side full field football matches.
What is a Game Leader?
They are the organiser and leader of MiniRoo small sided football games. The main objective of MiniRoos football is to keep the game flowing, allowing the young players involved the chance to increase their understanding of football in a safe and enjoyable environment.
Game Leaders are exactly what their name suggests: they lead the game to ensure players get as much education and enjoyment as possible in a safe environment.
Being a Game Leader is a great introduction to officiating, the Game Leader role is much more important at the early stage of learning for the players.
Why do we need Game Leaders?
When you think of a referee you think of someone who officiates 11-a-side football and enforces the laws of the game. With the young age of MiniRoos players, many [or most] still don’t understand the rules – so are often penalised for something they do not understand.
Instead of policing the laws of the game, Game Leaders have a number of tools to help young players progress their understanding of football. Some examples include:
- Showing them how to do throw ins with repeat actions or do overs
- Getting opposition teams to move back so the team in possession can have the opportunity to play out with the ball, without instant pressure
The role of Game Leaders also educates the sideline with spectators feeling less the urge to “help” the players by shouting instructions.
Who can become a Game Leader?
- Game Leaders can be anyone over the age of 11
- Trainers/Mentors must have a maturity of at least 15-years-old
- Ground Officials must be 18-years-or above.
How can you become a Game Leader?
First, you need to decide if you are ready to become a Game Leader, a Mentor, Ground Official, and/or a Trainer.
Once decided, follow the relevant process below.
Game Leaders
- Register by clicking here and learn the MiniRoo rules supplied by the CDSFA
- Complete an orientation session at club venue (approx. 45 mins)
- Be overseen by a mentor until deemed competent (usually 2-4 matches)
Game Leader Mentor
- Register by clicking here and learn the MiniRoo rules supplied by the CDSFA
- Participate in overseeing a Game Leader with an Instructor until deemed competent (usually 1-2 matches)
- Oversee Game Leaders in matches until you deem them competent. Appointed by Club /Hubs and approved only by CDSFA
Ground Official
- Register by clicking here and learn the MiniRoo rules supplied by the CDSFA
- Be a club nominated Ground Official (orange vest)
- Be available to step in if requested by a Game Leader – or at your discretion – if required due to “rowdy sideline assistance.” Ideally you would also be a Mentor
Game Leader Trainer
- Register by clicking here and learn the MiniRoo rules supplied by the CDSFA and Trainer guidelines
- Be a club nominated mentor and be part of several GL orientation sessions
- Process in overseen and approved only by the CDSFA
Feature image credit: MMS (Multimedia Solutions) Sports Photography