
Gardiman bestowed Life Membership of CDSFA

Published Wed 28 Nov 2018

The CDSFA conducted its Annual General Meeting on Monday 26 November 2018. During the course of the meeting, while Life Member Mr Ian Holmes held temporarily the Chair, a nomination for Life Membership of the Association was moved by Mr Holmes with the support of the Board of Directors. The nomination was to bestow Life Membership to Mr Armando Gardiman AM.

Upon announcement of the motion the meeting broke into applause in support of the nomination. However, formalities still were required and with that CDSFA Life Member Mrs Grace Martin seconded the motion. With that come the passing of the motion by acclamation (again) by the members and guests in attendance at the AGM.

Life Membership for Armando come with great surprise. The remainder of the Board of Directors (of which he is a member) confirmed their support of his nomination without his knowledge prior to the AGM.

Armando's service to the Association and community club football is extensive. His involvement extends even beyond the boundaries of the CDSFA into other Association's, Leagues, and the governing of the State body.

At the Association, Armando has served in positions on the Board of Directors (previously Executive Committee) on two occasions over the last fourteen (14) seasons, serving as the Senior Vice President in 2005 and 2006, and again from 2012 to 2014 upon which time the Directors positions were established. He has also been a player with FC Five Dock, coach and manager within the Association over numerous seasons.

Much of the "clean up" of the Association that occurred in the early 2000's was as a direct result of Armando's drive to instigate the Association's Zero Tolerance Policy from the 2006 season (and still in current use). He took the role of the CDSFA's first Chairman of the Disciplinary Tribunal in 2005 - a position he has often returned to when called upon by management to assist with the conduct of cases (mostly extremely difficult matters) from that time.

The Association acquiring the lease of Pratten Park for the 2006 season onwards was a direct result of the work done by and people lobbied by Armando. It was the first time the Association gained a long-time tenure of a major playing facility.

His service to football also has ranged outside of the immediate CDSFA boundary with his representations to Sydney Branch (now disbanded) and Football NSW. This service has been namely in the form of assisting with important tribunal matters - in particular two State Committees of Inquiry. Additionally he has represented the Association as a delegated Member to these organisations.

Given the demands of his professional career as Managing Director of Turner Freeman Lawyers, the time Armando has given to the football community in particular the CDSFA, is extremely valued.

Such recognition of his service to the community has also been noted by the Commonwealth of Australia with Armando the recipient of a "Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia" honour in 2016.

We congratulate Armando Gardiman AM on being bestowed Life Membership of the CDSFA, the 34th individual to receive such honour in our 96-year history.
