Registration to sign-up for winter football opens early January each year and we can help you if you’re not sure how to find the right club for you.
Read on below to find a step-by-step guide on how to find your new home.
There are leagues to suit all levels of football: from elite players playing in the Bill Brackenbury Cup and Grace Martin Trophies, all the way to Division 15 for men and Division 6 for women, which caters for players who want a less intense competition (great for beginners and slower players)
There are also overage leagues for O35 Women, O35 Men, O45 Men, and O50 Men.
For those looking to sign-up as an individual
Signing-up to a new team as in individual is one of the easiest ways to find a new team: as most existing teams and clubs can fit an extra person into the squad.
Step 1: Click here to find the closest clubs to your area
Step 2: If you have a preference for which club you want to join, skip ahead to the next step. Otherwise, it’s best to contact the 2-4 closest clubs to your home to see who has a spot available
Step 3: Using the email address from the Find-A-Club website, get in touch with your chosen club/s with the following information:
- Age
- Level wanting to play at (example: high divisions or low divisions)
- Prior playing experience
- Preferred playing position
- Contact details
Step 4: Once you have decided which club to join, click here to register and start to attend training.

For those looking to sign-up with friends
If you are looking to sign-up to a new team with a handful of your mates, you’ll increase the speed of finding the right club if you contact several of them.
Step 1: Click here to find the closest clubs to your area
Step 2: When joining with a group of friends, it’s best to contact the 2-4 closest clubs to you in case your preferred club doesn’t have enough space
Step 3: Using the email address from the Find-A-Club website, get in touch with your chosen clubs with the following information:
- Make it clear you would like to join with friends, let the club know how many friends you have
- Age of each player
- Preferred playing position of each player
- Level wanting to play at (example: Div 10)
- Prior playing experience
- Contact details
Step 4: Once you have decided which club to join, click here to register and start to attend training.
For those looking to sign-up to overage competitions
Football Canterbury has several overage competitions for adults including Over 35s for women and Over 35s, Over 45s, and Over 50s for men.
Last season 23 different clubs had teams in the overage competitions, meaning that most clubs in the association cater for those who want to play in these leagues.
While it’s not guaranteed that your closest club will have an overage team, you will find one very close to where you live. You’ll increase the speed of finding the right club if you contact several of them.
Click here to read our instructions in finding the right overage club for you.
Feature image credit: Photographed with Love